what's better than chocolate???
chocolate that's handmade, raw, sugar free and deee-licious!!!!
my friend Liz Marx has been perfecting her recipe (I'm one of her lucky tasters) for months now and
Sweet Nuit is here!
Sweet Nuit ...handcrafted chocolates are Vegan, Raw, Low Glycemic, Organic, All Natural and Exquisite !!!
boxes are $15 and up...... assorted sets are available.... shipping available upon request......
call 310.535.1606 to place an order.....
I'm hoping to carry them at SemiPrecious soon-I'm addicted to them!
they're perfect as gifts for friends, family or that much needed gift for yourself!
What's better than chocolate? Freshly made and hand delivered by the creator herself at 4pm to your workplace! Liz has done this more than once for Amy and me and the lucky customers of that hour:)